Friday, November 9, 2007

My family!!!!!!!

What could I tell about my family?????Anything but that they are the precious thing I have!!!!!!...I love them so much!!!!!!!!!!! Well,I will give you a little description of it starting from my brother.He is Guillermo; a handsome 17 years teenager boy.He is lovely!!!!!!,sometimes he wanna behave rude but he can not do it at all;his sweetness is bigger than anything he would like to pretend to be!!!! My mother is Susana,she is rather short and she has got short blonde hair.She is good-looking and she is the most unselfish person I have ever known.She is very simpathetic and kind;sometimes a little bit crazy,but I know she´s like that just because she gets nervous so easy and she can not always understand perfect things are imposible to obtain,life is just one and the best way to enjoy it is living each minute the most peacefull and happy you can!!!!!!!I know some day she would cath it....!!!!!!!!! Lastly, my father,.......How can a person give love such in that way I can not yet understand it!!!!Although we have to admit we can not understand each other in a big number of ways, our love is enourmes and any difference could never let us fight cause love is bigger than anything and will always win against all!!!!! Here it had gone a little description of my family,I hope you had like it! as much as I do!!!!!!

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